I have not, to my knowledge, experienced any latent encounter, nor have I ever seen anything that could reasonably be identified as an alien craft. My conviction of the reality of alien visitation and latent encounters is the result of reading, primarily books, but also articles found on Internet, primarily in newsgroup postings. My discovery of your home page was through a newsgroup posting.
Of the articles presented through your home page, I found the article by Donna Higbee to be the most fascinating. Curiously, the "invisibility" phenomena "fits" in the jigsaw puzzle of UFO data that I have been juggling in my mind, and its addition strengthens certain hypotheses I have been trying to form. More "down-to-earth" however, are the two articles by Joe Nyman, and it is about one of these that I would like to pose a suggestion.
Mr.Nyman has done a masterful job of analysis in his Composite Model. To me, his model represents an excellent example of scholarship at its best, and I congratulate him on his insight. His second article, regarding "Familar Entity & Dual Reference" I find equally studious, but, I would like to point out that he discusses only one facet of a multi-faceted phenomena. There is also the "alien" side.
To me, it strains credulence to think that the "aliens" are selecting humans on a random basis. The familial continuance of such selection argues against that. There must be some genetic trait carried by selected individuals that the "aliens" are seeking. My hypothesis is that this trait is strong "psi" talent. Although I have no such ability, myself, there is little doubt that some humans do, enough so that the CIA and military have attempted to make use of it! If, as it seems, the "aliens" are engaged in a genetic program, and the "aliens" themselves seem to use "psi" as a normal thing, selecting for human "psi" talent makes very good sense. Since humans normally do not use "psi," it is reasonable to suppose that many who possess "psi" talent would be unaware of it.
Regarding the "Unanswered Question" I posited as a subject, it is simply "What can I do to help?" I suspect that the answer is that I am too old (in my seventies) and too far away (up in the Maine boondocks) to be of much use, but I have to ask the question anyway. If Internet is reaching so many "abductees", what of all those who know nothing of Internet, nothing of the work of dedicated therapists, and are suffering the symptoms so well described in Nyman's Model? I have a feeling that I should be doing something to try to help these people, but don't even know how to begin. I'm sure others have asked this question. What has been the answer?
Jim Swartzmiller
To answer your question, Jim, we would love your help!
You have begun by asking "What Can I Do to Help?" I'm sure the experiencers that read this page will benefit greatly from the 'hypotheses' you have been trying to form in regards to how 'spontaneous invisibility' fits into this jigsaw puzzle. All of us look forward to hearing more from you.
Thank you for wanting to help. -- Editor